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Facing Racism - Are you ready to imagine a just and equitable world?

Soul 2 Soul Sisters is a Black Womxn-led organization in Denver that honors and supports Black Girls and Black Womxn and that is working through love, activism, and outreach to create a world that is safe, just, and equitable.

They host a workshop called Facing Racism, which is part of their work to end white supremacy. I attended one of these workshops in 2020 and found it informational and incredibly inspiring. The Womxn who led the discussions were full of love and had spent time understanding the fundamental issues. They helped us, the workshop participants, understand white supremacy in our world around us. More importantly, they helped me FEEL the history of, injustice of, and urgency to eliminate white supremacy culture in the U.S. (and the world).

On the final workshop day, one of the exercises was to write down our own vision of black liberation. My first thought was the world as it is today, but with more people of color in positions of leadership and power. Then I realized that the U.S. would be entirely different with people of color appropriately represented in positions of power. My vision of black liberation centered around a world in which people of color could leave their homes with the same level of confidence as I do - without fear of white supremacy violence; parents could watch their young black and brown children and teenagers leaving the house with the same level of anxiety I have - not an elevated level of anxiety because of the disproportionate police violence against black and brown people; and all kids could go to school with the same level of support and understanding as my kids do - when black and brown kids misbehave their teachers would approach with empathy rather than fear and the school to prison pipeline would be a distant, awful memory.

I would like to invite each of you to participate in one of their Facing Racism workshops. The cost is $300, which sounds like a lot and is totally worth it. They have need-based scholarships for those who cannot afford full price, so please don't let the cost scare you off.

Consider participating in a Facing Racism workshop to move forward in your own antiracism journey and join the mission to end white supremacy.

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